Bitcoin for Businesses | The Bitcoin Helper


FREE Consultation

Do you even need a Bitcoin consultant? Will a simple wallet suffice for your needs? Most merchants need simple setups, and we will point you in the right direction. We are PASSIONATE about Bitcoin. Our goal is to get you onboarded to Bitcoin, even if we don't end up making any money off you. We know if you're happy, you'll suggest us to others who need more complex setups.

We Make It Easy

If you find Bitcoin confusing at first, you're not alone! UTXOs? Custodial vs non-custodial? Exchange risk? We help you understand and navigate all the choices associated with using Bitcoin so you can get the most cost-effective, easiest to use options available.

NO Payment Discrimination

Do you have trouble processing credit cards and doing other banking tasks due to being in a legal, but "unbankable" industry like adult film? Break free from banking discrimination by taking control of your own payment infrastructure. Bitcoin puts you in control, with no judgemental middlemen.

Powerful Integrations

Whether your business has 1 employee or 10,000, we can find the right set of tools to get Bitcoin integrated with your business. Leverage our experience and knowledge to save on fees. Point-of-sale? In-person? Online? Woocommerce? Magneto? BTCPay Server? We do it all.

Save BIG on Fees

Merchants love Bitcoin because it doesn't charge any fees to merchants. Save 3-5% vs credit card transactions, get instant settlement, and stop worrying about chargebacks.

Get Paid FAST

With Bitcoin lightning, payments settle in under a second for pennies in fees. No chargebacks, no "settlement time". Spend your money the second you get it. Leverage the latest technology to run your business as efficiently as possible.

Want USD? No Problem.

Most merchants don't know that you can accept payment from customers in BTC without ever needing to hold onto any BTC yourself. Benefit from BTCs low fees while automatically converting BTC to your currency of choice.

Reduce Risk

Reduce your risk by employing multi-sig and non-custodial technologies. Risk comes from many places and we can help you mitigate all of them

We Are Not Middlemen

We never sit between you and your money. We simply help you setup the infrastructure you need to collect your own payments.