Yes! Bitcoin payment fees are always charged to the sender, not the recipient (you!). Fees for senders are typically <1% (Bitcoin lightning). Compare that to credit cards at 3%-5%, yikes! Depending on your setup (if you accept lightning and run your own BTCPay Server), there may be some charges to move lightning payments on-chain (to keep enough inbound liquidity). These are typically around 1%.

Payment platforms may charge fees depending on their business model. You might need a payment platform for setups such as automatic conversion to USD. These fees are around 0-1% as well, depending on the platform.

No matter your setup, fees will always be significantly lower than credit cards, PayPal, and other "competition".

We'll make sure your Bitcoin setup is easily integrated with your current tax + accounting system so accepting BTC doesn't require additional work on your part. In most cases, this is super simple. For clients who automatically convert BTC payments to USD, there are no special tax implications at all, since you have no gains or losses to report.

Unfortunately, the current US regulatory environment requires you to pay tax every time you dispose of BTC if your BTC gained value during that time period. We make it easy to track & report this, in most setups, this is entirely automated.

No problem! Automatic conversion is easy to setup. We know that most merchants, even if they accept BTC, must pay their employeers and suppliers in USD, so they can't just accept BTC and hold onto it.

Yes, really. When you get paid with BTC, you are paid. No waiting for payments to clear, no chargeback risk. Simple and easy.

We never charge any form of fees for you to accept payment, payments go directly from the customer to you.

For your average food truck, brick & mortar store, or online web store, we don't charge any ongoing fees.

For larger, more complex setups, where we setup a BTCPay Server for you, we charge a very low 0.5% transaction fee while keeping you 100% in control of your funds at all times (we are not an intermediary). BTCPay Server also comes with hosting fees, which you pay directly to a third party web host.

Our goal is to improve Bitcoin adoption. We do not support or build infrastructure for other cryptocurrencies. 90% of them are scams. The rest are so centralized as to offer no tangible benefit vs existing centralized payment options (credit cards, etc). Bitcoin is freedom money, that's why we build with it.

Our main knowledge and customer base in the the USA, but we serve clients globally. As long as we aren't legally prohibited from working with your country or company, we'd love to count you among our clients.

Yes, absolutely! Unlike the banking cartels, we do not discriminate. If your business is legal, and it's legal to help you, we will! Bitcoin puts you in control of your finances, we help you exercise that control.